5S, SEIRI (sort), SEITON (straighten), SEISO(set to order),SEIKETSU(sweap)/SHITSUKE(sustain), regulation can modifiy the fundametal working thinking of emplyee, and improve the working efficiency and quality leval. Working enviroment will become oreder, clean and safe.
Stock process management
By stock and logistic management tooling, emplyee will learn how to rise the material turn over rate and minimize the slow moving stock. Make sure all the material FIFO and maximize the efficiency of theh warehouse.
Production self-inspection
By well trainning of the BOM, production process and inspection specfication of the product, emplyee can keep the quality control in every stage from income to the packing, and prevent the NG product in advance.
Product quality control
Quality level is controled by production control, and only good qulity control will eliminate the customer complain. Though the qulity system education, every Hsin li people follow the princple of “Not prodcing NG product, not delivering NG product”.
Emplyee knowledge management
People are the most value asset to keep company running enternity . We train all the Hsin Li people well know of using computer. By MIS technology, we can share, record, and inquire the information and sorten the learnning curve in all kind of circumstance.
Hsin-Li provides not only the genernal trainning to every new employee but also personalized job trainning ine professional field. With multi learnning chennal and abounding resource, every Hsinli people can keep improving the working skill and professional knowledge all the time.
KPI(Key performance Index) management
KPI is one of parameters to promot outstanding employee. Including sales grows, market share, profitability new product announcement ..etc.
By KPI manegement, we can meet the market require and strengthen our competitiveness